Details about cookies on this service

We need to use some essential cookies to make the ‘Compensation recovery service' website work.

If your cookies are switched off

You will see an error message when you try to use the website if your cookies are disabled.

How to turn cookies on depends on the browser you are using and how up to date it is.

Find out how to change your settings for the most popular browsers, including:

Find out how to manage cookies for other browsers.

Cookies that measure website use

We use Google Analytics software to collect information about how you use the website. We use this information to improve this website.

We do not allow Google to use or share the data about how you use this site.

Google analytics cookies collect and store information about:

  • the page you visit - what you click on when using the website
  • how long you spend on each page
  • how you got to the website
Google analytics cookies
Name Purpose Expires
_ga Counts how many people visit the website by tracking if they've visited before. 60 minutes or when you close your browser
_gat Counts how many pages are viewed and how often. 10 minutes

Cookies that help keep your information secure

We use session cookies to keep your information secure as you move back and forward through the website.

These cookies are automatically removed from your computer when you complete your application or if you:

  • don't do anything for 92 minutes
Security cookies
Name Purpose Expires
crs-compensator-ui To remember where you are in the application and your previous answers so you can move back and forward through the website. 60 minutes or when you close your browser

Cookies message

You may see a banner when you visit this website inviting you to accept cookies or review your settings. We’ll set cookies so that your computer knows you’ve seen it and not to show it again, and also to store your settings.

Service cookies
Name Purpose Expires
seen_cookie_message Saves a message to let us know that you’ve seen our cookie message 28 days
cookie-preference Saves your cookie consent settings 1 year
Language cookies
Name Purpose Expires
lang Saves your language preference 1 year